Strained expressions between LeBron James and his wife has created tons of online speculation

Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 08:00
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By all accounts, LeBron James is nothing but a wonderful and loving family man who is dedicated to his children and his wife, Savannah. But a recent interaction between the Los Angeles Lakers legend and his significant other has some people online talking.
At a recent USC basketball game, LeBron and Savannah were spotted together rooting for their son Bronny. But their facial expressions looked strained, to put it gently.
Most of the time, fans and NBA analysts wouldn't think twice about how James and his wife looked. But this came just days after LeBron was sitting courtside during a Lakers game with Linda Rambis and Lakers owner Jeanie Buss. All three looked very comfortable and close during that game and its proximity to the strained facial expressions between LeBron and his wife has people talking.
Some people online said that James was in "the doghouse" during the USC game. Others said that Savannah was "still thinking about that video" of her husband with Rambis and Buss.
The footage of James getting cozy and comfortable with Rambis and Bus occurred as James sat out of Friday's game against the Milwaukee Bucks. He was spotted rooting on the team and speaking with his peers during time outside but he was also chatting a lot with Buss and Rambis, who is a team executive.
Most NBA fans are having a bit of fun with that interaction and the way that James and his wife looked. In all likelihood, this is just a case of awkward timing but it's created some very humorous reactions on social media.