Ricky Rubio annouced that he was returning to play basketball. The Spanish star will be coming back to FC Barcelona. After the communication, Rubio was interviewed by Jon Kraczynski of The Athletic. Ricky shared some of the experiences and the process he's been through the past few years, regarding his mental issues.
"July 30 was one of the hardest days of my life," Rubio said of the moment he announced he was putting his professional career on hold, and with it withdrawing from the Spanish national team's World Cup call-up. "I've always been the one trying to be positive, but sometimes I was just lying to myself. I told myself I couldn't feel a certain way because it would hold me back."
"My mind went to a very dark place. The last injury with the Cavs was very tough but it wasn't the big factor that led to that. It was little things that had been there for years, coming back to haunt me at last," added the legendary Spanish point guard.
"I hope this is not a definitive end. I want to see if I can feel better. I know it will be different. First, I'm going to think about myself. I'm still in a recovery process, it's been a very big shock. But I know that basketball is a very big part of who I am," explained Ricky Rubio, who has not signed to play for Barça, but rather the Catalan club has helped him in his decision to prove himself again.
Whatever decision Ricky Rubio makes, the Spanish player can be proud of the courage he has shown from the very first moment. He is a source of pride for all athletes, young people, and anyone who can see themselves reflected in his situation.