Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob shares what's on his mind regarding his franchise's future

Thursday, 15 February 2024 at 23:00
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It's no secret at this point that the Golden State Warriors are dealiing with one of their worst seasons in almost 10 years. Almost every player is ready and available, most of them have really expensive contracts and still they don't seem to have found the rhythm yet. Warriors' owner, Joe Lacob, revealed his plan for the team's future.
Back in time, at the deadline and as revealed by ESPN, the Warriors attempted to take what would have been a historic trade for LeBron James, which was immediately rejected by the Los Angeles Lakers, which proved that Lacob is not lying when he says he will be as aggressive as it takes to get GSW back to the top.
However, there is one main problem for Golden State Warriors that would hinder any moves and signings the franchise intends to make this summer as soon as the Free Agency hits. To solve it, in statements reported by Yahoo! Sports, Joe Lacob has several scenarios in mind:
"Plan 1A is: We would like to stay free of the luxury tax and we think we have a way to do that. That's the plan. The truth is we need to be [below the luxury tax line] two years out of the next four. So, that's the plan, to try to do that. And we believe we can keep our team together and bring back players in different numbers and so forth."
With this first scenario, the Warriors would not have to resort to painful departures to solve their financial problems. This would occur if the franchise reaches a good enough record at the end of the season that would make them continue to have confidence in their players.
"Plan 1B is that we can make big trades if we need to. If this team were to completely fall and not do well at the end of the year, you know there will be big trades. If we do really well, we might decide to go the other way. So, everything is open. We have to be flexible. The goal is to never be a lottery team. The goal is to be competitive. The goal is to win. And ideally, if possible, to win championships or compete for championships."
In this second scenario, Joe Lacob talks about making significant trades if the Warriors miss the playoffs, lose in the playoffs, get knocked out of the playoffs.... Any outcome that would mean their absence from the playoffs for the ring.